Friday, July 10, 2009

The parable of the Loaves and the Waffles

I can never decide which blog to write what I have written nothing lately. When in nothing!
Today I was particularly inspired though to share the Lord's goodness,and sense of humor.
I typically attend a family rosary at our church on Fridays, sometimes with all the kids, sometimes not. My youngest, Bella, loves to go-mainly to see all her friends. I say fine, God is happy to see us however we get there! Today however, I was a mess, the house was a mess and I was cowardly in deciding to just not tell her it was Friday. Long story short, a friend who was there already, called to see if we were going. How could I say no to a friend, and to my daughters pleading when she realized what day it was?
We ended up going, it was fine,and everyone, meaning three of us Moms and 11 kids, ended up back here for lunch.
Now in addition to the mess, I realize I have little to no food for lunch either! I gamely offer pb and j to the kids, only to then see I have half a loaf of bread. How embarrassing! My friend offered to go home and see what she had. I said No thanks. We are going to rely on God's goodness and trust He will provide. Then it hit me- waffles! I had several bags of frozen waffles. The kids were amazed and thrilled with this crazy new lunch idea, pb&j waffles, and there was plenty left over. It was the story of the Loaf and the Waffles!!!
We all had a great time and the day was saved.I started out sad and lonely and, in the end, I was spiritually nourished by prayer and friendship, and the kids were fed and happy. God is good! Right?!